To write this material, it took: nine cups of coffee, three keyboards, five packs of cigarettes, a tangle of nerves for a three -year, collective photography of employees “Softlab-Nsk” Together with a decent pile of darts for darts and a stack of voodoo dolls. You, dear readers, when discussing “Truckers 3” Friends will definitely need a magic pedal, the effectiveness of which everyone could observe in the sixth issue of our “gamezor”. We meet the main hope and dream of the failed (still or in general) dial-to-collar drivers. A game that has been waiting for almost eight years. A project that has been at the stage of the active (whether?) testing. Fall to your knees before this mastodont! Fall and crawl away. And you, the most persistent and unquestioningly believers in the creative genius of distinguished developers from Novosibirsk, we will ask to stay.
Well, we arrived!
“Truckers 3” – extremely difficult for adequate assessment of the game. Yes, we have been waiting for her all these years. The fans of the first part have already managed to make their families, to quarrel with their wives and marry lovers. During this time GSC made s.T.A.L.K.E.R. with addons, a Rockstar -Many, many parts GTA. In general, the world somehow turned around all this time, twisted, nothing stood still. But we, loyal fans of the first two Rig’n’Roll (overseas name “Truckers”), were firmly convinced (up to a year of 2006) that the third part of the main simulator of the driver is far from small-sized tractors will simply turn our heads, penetrate into our hearts and soul, depriving rest, like the first school love. For the past two years, everyone has already dutifully ate only promises-dummies from SoftLab-NSK: “Yes, yes, we will release the game soon, only the last ten bugs remains to be beaten and introducing another proposed formula into the economic model. You just wait, yeah, yeah! We are in an instant, garlic!”
In truth, to admit, this year no one was waiting for the release this year. The sweetness of the moment of the seeing of the screenshots showing the whole nudity of the obsolete engine, we felt in full, so it remained only to wait for the publisher’s decision: to release what began to rot, or let the developers rewrite everything from zero. Looks like the second option for “1C” neither patience nor nerves were enough. Therefore, you will have to evaluate this “something” that came out on November 27. Something, as Carlson said, “wild, but pretty”.
Let’s start with the bad. “Truckers 3” really looks like a kind of schoolchild-overflow, who is left to study again and again for the second year. Ugly, terrible, simply nasty models of the characters here courtly communicate with the main character, nickname, poke their hands in the face with a rude shirt instead of hands, while moving up and down by atrophied, anestically and dimensions and dimensions. It becomes unpleasant from this at the very beginning, especially when the hero enters the office of his organization, passes by the secretary collected from the triangles and asks a friend: “She is married?”So he wants to leak in his ear at that moment:” What are you, guy! She is unrealistically terrible!»Developers and nickname, however, do not think so.
Suppose that the characters in the simulator of the trucker is not the main thing. And what is the main thing? Of course, the handsome men. Well, here the situation is a little better. The number of landfills and liters of auto polishes per unit area of the tracks are clearly not deprived. However, this circumstance does not contribute to the best and more natural perception of the game in any way. Any unit of traffic in “Truckers 3”, Including your own, it looks like a model just put on a shelf in the corresponding department of the Children’s World. Paints of unnatural shades, blinding eyes chrome and the complete absence of even the slightest hint of settled dirt and dust. After the truck controlled by you will spare the good half of the western coast of the United States and at the same time it will still look like a varnished machine under the New Year tree, the previous statements of the developers about the “unique spirit of a real road trucker” are perceived as a baby’s babble, who is this machine, who is this machineUsually they give.
Well, let’s make concessions again. Perhaps the whole charm of driving a truck is not reduced to the pleasure of its type, but to direct management and feeling the subtleties of the work of all parts and nodes. We have no complaints about the simulation of car behavior-everything is more or less honest and believable, there is a thorough physicist of damage. Only now a special, incomparable attitude to the third “Truckers” You begin to experience when the semi -trailer necessary for transportation is assigned to the coupling platform on the truck frame. It doesn’t matter what it will be: a tank with gasoline, a low -profile platform with an excavator or a regular refrigerator – the effect of the trip will remain unchanged. It occurs, as a rule, with an unsuccessfully missed turn-after disconnecting the semi-trailer from the truck, this happens, which is why the famous creator of the three laws of physics would certainly become bad. In short, a piece of iron on wheels, which seems to have to weigh a lot of tons, shows (sometimes without your participation) such feints, which, perhaps, is capable of only crumpled paper in the paws of the kitten. In short, the correct physical model of the behavior of semi -trailers is absent here. What then “tested” and “brought to perfection” employees SoftLab-NSK? We must admit, it remains only to guess.
The fleet of the third “Truckers” It is represented by fourteen truck models, among which there are actually existing Westernstar, Freightliner and Sterling. There are, of course, fictional prototypes. Initially, Freightliner Argosy is given to you in your hands, which you can immediately sell, if you wish, by buying a more powerful and promising tractor in return. Fortunately, the initial budget of two hundred thousand or a hundred (depending on the complexity) is very helpful.
Well, let the cars look unrealistic, let the driver Nicholas sitting in our track look like a blind -haired figure of Origami. After all, there is still an endless and “modeled with photographic accuracy” of the mini-California, which the Novosibirsk experts of the “long-range affair” are so shamelessly proud of. Here in it we were looking for an excuse for such a long development period. Well, or at least tried to look. Pleased only the scale. The implementation of everything else made me inject the last unspent needle into the voodoo doll, personifying our leading game designer. We tried to expose the game world in front of you in the best tones, but these reinforced concrete facts: trees that are not similar to themselves, a monotonous landscape and equally planned cities, in which there are not a single resident (all probably hid home, seeing us from afar) – we have no right to conceal. The situation is a little saved by only clear textures of the road surface.
In fact, everything is not so bad as you might think at first. “Truckers 3” They literally transform, with only the local sun to start slowly falling beyond the horizon line. And only then everything around is unexpectedly perceived for real. Drops of rain flowing down the windshield, flickering in front of the nose “wipers”, blurry outlines of cars with burning overall lights, exemplary country outfit from the radio and the whole night ahead – in terms of studying the atmosphere of night traveling, this game has no equal in the genre. But then the day always comes, and the mentioned problems again make themselves felt. Mockery.
The wisdom of real long -range
The gameplay of the game has changed little. Yes, it is understandable – in the formula proposed seven years ago, only minor additions can be brought, which was done by the developers. Thirdly “Truckers” There is a fundamental difference in the structure of the construction of all missions – now you are initially available to manage a whole transport company with two hundred thousand dollars on balance, a truck, which is on the go, and a secretary, which is in the office. Concluding contracts, recruiting promising drivers and a systematic increase in the influence of Nick Trucking throughout California – these are the priority tasks, the solution of which is so necessary for successful business.
The possibility of modernizing trucks, of course, has not disappeared. Now, in addition to technological improvements, it became possible to change the appearance of your track from the inside. You can replace in the cabin not only the dashboard and upholstery, but even the bed on which drivers usually get enough sleep during especially distant flights. Our hero neglects this opportunity, but it is no time to take a breath and relax in one of the motiles you like.
During the next arrival, you may meet voting on the road. The contingent is quite believable and suitable for random “adventure seekers”: prostitutes, stray musicians and unfortunate owners of broken cars. It is a pity that we are not given a conversation with them during the trip. The flight can now be obtained, being not only in the warm office of the company, but even during the next trip. Say, you carelessly transport the batch of cigarettes, when suddenly, from nowhere, an unknown company’s employee calls with a request to pass medications to especially those in need. The adoption of the proposal entails, as a rule, the conclusion of new promising contracts.
Not so much competitors as unplanned, arising from nowhere bugs, flaws and offensive miscalculations can prevent the development of your transport empire. Most of all the kicks from us have already received artists and models from SoftLab-NSK. Now is the time to get “a hat” to the soundtracks. Who, tell me, forgot to shove the sounds of rain into the game? And why, one wonders, during the turning of radio stations in the receiver, it can happen that the favorite song or muttering of the newsletter becomes barely perceptible to our hearing? And why, by the view from the cabin, we must completely neglect the fact that the jeal of the motor cannot be tamed any of the available sliders? And we have not yet mentioned the pitch silence in the Nick Trucking office – neither the noise of a working computer, nor ringing phones – absolutely nothing.
Add to the list of complaints a wayward camera and harsh policemen, who in a second intersection of a continuous arise incomprehensibly from where and immediately give a fine. Honestly, even our domestic traffic police officers look
against the backdrop of California beasts with harmless “nurses”.
For “Truckers 3” We are incredibly insulting. The incredible scale and romance of the road adventure here are coldly overlap are overlapping the abundance of bugs and flaws, disgusting models of people and unnatural models of machines. Non -working physics of semi -trailers, sound problems and lack of optimization as such a positive attitude to long -term construction from SoftLab-NSK They will not work for sure. Therefore, we give this game such a low assessment (believe me, it was very, very difficult for us). For unjustified expectations, for the nasty realization of the vast majority of aspects. For finally, vile lies about actively walking testing and optimization. Hoping for the fast exit of a saving patch is simply pointless – what has not been done in eight long years, they are unlikely to fix in a couple of months. What a pity, everything could be different.
Pros: romance of an endless road adventure;Incredible scale of recreated California.
Cons: bugs and flaws in graphics, physics and sound;disgusting optimization;The engine outdated for five years with an unreasonably long development period.